Today we are going to check how to reset your two step
verification passcode if you forget it. So before going to the tutorial, first
of all what is this 2-step verification?. In normally when you are setting up a
whatsapp account on your phone, you will enter your phone number then you will
receive your code through SMS, but imagine if you lost your phone and someone
cleverly takes out the sim card,he or she then takes new device and insert your
SIM card and install whatsapp on it and takes total control.
So to avoid this kind of situations they launched the new
update is called as "Whatsapp 2-step verification", so once you
enable this feature it prevent other people's using your whatsapp into their
smart phone. Because it asks for 6 digit passcode, so this is 2-step
verification in whatsapp. But if you mistakenly forgot this passcode then how
to reset that code in your android mobile, so let's go to our tutorial... But
this method only works after your email id is successfully linked with this
2-step verification process, but my suggestion is just uninstall your existing
whatsapp messenger, but before going to do this process first of all backup
your all chats and medias, and then click to uninstall it.
After the uninstallation is completed, don't forget to restart your android mobile once the rebooting is finished; now once again I try to install the same whatsapp messenger via my Google Play Store, so just click to install it. Once the installation is completed, just click to open that application. Here it shows terms and conditions, so just click to "Agree" and then click to continue, but it ask for permission so you can click to allow this application. Here you can enter your mobile number for registration process and then click to "Next".
Once again you can confirm your mobile number and then click to "Ok". Now you can wait for some time, because the whatsapp team sent a verification message to your mobile number. In some cases the verification message is not received, at that time you can use "Call me" option and it also ask for my two step verification passcode, but here i doesn't remember my passcode, so how to reset that code?. In this section it has the one option called "Forgot pin", so just select it and then it shows one popup window, so you can read carefully and then click to "Send email" option. Finally the passcode reset link is sent to my registered email id, so I try to check it, by simply access my gmail account and this is that reset link, so I try access that URL and then it ask for confirmation message,so you can click to "Confirm".
Finally here you can see it shows "Two step
verification has been removed from your whatsapp account", once your two
step verification is disabled now you can set up your whatsapp messenger and
then it shows "Backup found", so i try to restore it. So this is the
way you can easily reset your two-step verification passcode by watching my
tutorial. For more tech videos you can