How to protect yourself in a multi cloud environment?

How to protect yourself in a multi cloud environment?

How to protect yourself in a multi cloud environment?As companies expect to be more agile and flexible while saving money by moving their workloads t...

A comprehensive approach on professional social media

A comprehensive approach on professional social media

When spies land on professional social mediaProfessional social networks, such as LinkedIn or Video, are considered serious and formal platforms. Wit...

Facebook hijacked users data for advertising purposes

Facebook Hijacked users data for advertising purposes?

Every Facebook user pays homage to them for their ability to display advertisements according to a wish list they just created. But how can Does the ...

whatsapp security breeches

WhatsApp: IT security problems with the new terms of use

From February 8, 2021, WhatsApp will set a new data protection policy that will certainly disrupt IT security. In fact, users of this application ou...