get the following one error notification while i try to troubleshoot my windows
10 network connection and it shows "The DNS server isn't responding"
so how to fix this kind of error notifications on your windows 10 pc? Here i
show the two steps to fix this issue, and also these methods are common for all
windows versions like windows 7 windows 8 and windows 8.1.
anyway let's goto our tutorial... First of all move your cursor and simply
place on that network icon and then right click on it now it shows two options
but you can goto "Open network and internet settings" so here you can
goto "Network and sharing center" and then it shows my active network
adapter so simply click to open it. And you can goto "Properties" and
here you can click to open "Internet protocol version 4" and simply
double click on it.
my device this settings are default set to "Automatically detect
mode" but you can select "Use the following dns server
addresses" and then type following address once you type it don't forget
to enable this option "Validate settings upon exit" and then click to
save this changes. But it doesn't shows any error notifications and also don't
forget to restart your windows 10 pc after the restarting is completed your
network connection is back to normal.
is method 1 So next method is just open your command prompt by simply search
"Cmd" and then open this run command prompt as
"Administrator" mode now you can enter the following commands by one
by one. and this will clear your dns caches and the first command is
ipconfig/release and then hit to enter and the process is completed and the
next one is ipconfig/flushdns and then hit to enter and this process also
completed and the third command is netsh winsock reset and then hit to enter
and the final one is ipconfig/renew Once you done this process just close this
command prompt and one time disable and enable your network adapter by simply
search view network connections and then locate your active network adapter now
you can disable it after the few seconds same way you can click to enable it.
Now you can check your network connection and i hope this trick will also fix
your all network problems. So if you not work just command to me... So this is
the way you can easily fix your dns server not responding issue by watching my