Basic Terms Vocabulary , White hat vs. black hat vs. SEO gray hat

Basic Terms Vocabulary

If you don't know about it not to worry so much or don't have time, you can ask consultants, experts or SEO agencies for help. Remember that this path will not be free compared to this guide.

SEO on page versus off page

White hat vs. black hat vs. SEO gray hat

SEO on page versus off page

Doing on-page SEO means optimizing your site to affect organic search results. Here's all you can do on the site, from content optimization to technicalities:

meta tags


URL structure

image optimization


structured data

site size and speed

... and many other factors. We dealt with them in the 4th article.

Off-page (external) SEO covers all the activities you can perform to improve your site's SEO authority by getting backlinks from other sites. There are several ways to get them:

email reach

guest blog


social media efforts

cooperation with influential people

write valuable content so people like to link to your site

... and many others that are covered in the sixth chapter.


White hat vs. black hat vs. SEO gray hat

Black hats against white hats have their origin in western movies. It's like the bad guys versus the bad guys. But don't take these words too seriously. Opinions on both approaches to SEO tend to differ.

Black Hat SEO is a set of unethical practices to improve the ranking of a site on the search engine results page. They are designed to affect search engines regardless of the human factor.

Black hat SEO can take you to the top of the SERP in no time; However, search engines will likely penalize and ban the site sooner or later.

Violation practice lists can be found in the Google Webmaster Guidelines or the Bing Webmaster Guidelines.


White hat SEO is a set of ethical techniques that adhere to guidelines and rules. The basic parts of white hat SEO are:

quality and relevant content

overall site optimization

link building

White hat SEO is a long term strategy aimed at improving the user experience. Overall, being a nice guy in the SEO world is considered the right direction.

There is also a term called gray hat SEO, a practice in which you can risk less compared to black hat techniques. Google doesn't clearly define gray hat techniques, so you can win thousands of site users without being penalized or lose all your rankings a day later.

Generally speaking, you don't want to make Google your enemy.

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