Is increasingly sophisticated ransomware?

Is increasingly sophisticated ransomware?

Is increasingly sophisticated ransomware?The National Information Systems Security Agency (Anssi) announced on September 4 the evolution of ransomwar...

Hacking Network dismantled by Europol

Hacking Network dismantled by Europol

Dismantled by EuropolGood news in the world of computer systems as the malware that has been embedded in machines since 2014 has been broken down. Th...

security breech for EUB and USA online banking

Security risks for Online Banking according to the U.S & ECB?

 The dematerialization of services at banks is characterized by the strong growth of digitization. Hackers then have more leeway and the risk o...

Checkout why Google’s union is a big deal?

Checkout why Google’s union is a big deal

On January fourth, 2021, Google employees and contract based workers reported they were shaping an association with the Communications Workers of Am...