Program documentation Why is it important?

Amelia Oct 20

856 1 Replies
c++   java   python   Ruby   other  

Please explain program documentation. Why is it important? What do you understand by a subroutine?


Program documentation is the written description of the algorithm(s), coding method, design, 
testing, and proper use of a particular computer program. It is valuable for those who use the 
program on a day-to-day basis and also for the programmer(s) who are meant to correct, 
modify, and update the computer program.

Reliable documentation is a must for an earnest programmer. The availability of thorough 
documentation helps not only in keeping track of the various aspects of a computer 
application but also helps in improving the overall quality of the same. The main focus of 
program documentation is development, maintenance, and knowledge transfer to other 

self-contained set of statements usable from anywhere in a computer program is known as a 
subroutine. Once the subroutine successfully performs its intended task it returns the control 
to the section of the program called the subroutine.
saqib 29, Oct 20