Data base personnel management

Hamidou ham Sep 20

742 3 Replies

Hey gyus im just started to make a application for personnel management data base but im just stuck need help want to work with visuel studio 2015 and mysql any help plz😢😢


Hamidou, I think instead of visual studio and writing the program from scratch you may download a ready made open source project that is as per your requirement. If you want to learn coding, I suggest you to follow any language tutorial and complete that. For example you can start from here and this is a full 15 tutorials series.
see all other tutorials, you will see the whole content textual as well as the video tutorial at one place. Follow this and you will learn PHP basic, from there you can go ahead and create your own program.
Saud Ashfaq 05, Oct 20
Thank you for replaying ashfaq need the steps to start what should i do how to begin
Hamidou ham 26, Sep 20
Hi Hamidou, can you please elaborate on your question a little more, so we can understand and able to help you.
Saud Ashfaq 26, Sep 20