Nowadays to become rich with the help of your skills is so easy, you can earn lots of money by using your sills today we will introduce you 4 programming languages that pays you the most as a programmer.
1.Perl Programming language
to learn this programming language is so easy. you can do so many things by learning this programming language only basically Perl is a general-purpose programming language you can earn up to $76K by just learning this programming language and work as a programmer in this language.
2.Python Programming Language
This programming language is one of the most amazing programming languages. As far as the learning curve is concerned, it is beginners friendly even enjoyable. There is a huge community for this language available, so devs are very comfortable when they got into issues. Huge ERP system like Odoo and frameworks like Flask and dJango and huge collection of it's libraries make the python an amazing choice for developers and programmers.
Though PHP is considered as an old language and there are debates on this language would it stay for next 5 to 10 years or not. But in reality, the whole world has around 60 to 70% websites on PHP language. You can see the power. The main reason is because its highly efficient especially after PHP 7 broke through, and directly work in line with other web scripts like javaScript, HTML and CSS etc. Flexibility of this language is unbeatable.
There is a huge community support also available and StackOverflow has huge collection of PHP questions with good and approved answers. Lots of php libraries have been written for task automation and quick programming.
At the moment Laravel is most famous and amazing PHP framework that is highly appreciated by the backend web-developers.
WordPress knows no boundaries and everyone knows about it well. A brilliant SEO friendly un-beatable, king of the industry since several years and still counting. Among the thousands of open source plugins freely available, WooCommerc is an amazing gift for the fans of PHP.
Besides the above, PHP has several frameworks for rapid development and huge collection of built-in as well as community contributed libraries, which makes this web language stand out.
This is another very impressive language that is used for programming and web-development. Learning curve is little high than PHP and Python but still this language is a breeze and used to develop light weight real time apps.