Welcome to PHP Training Course
PHP In 15 Days – Guaranteed
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to PHP in 15 Days – Guaranteed Training Course. This course is designed especially for youin a way to make surethat you learn PHP in just 15 days. I am Saud and I’ll take you through this course step by step. Just stick with me for only 15 days and I am sure at the end of this course you will be able to write PHP applications on your own.
I will demonstrate practically most of the things and will show you live real time examples with coding. This course is divided in 15 parts that is 15 days in total. So, if you complete 1 day session in a day you will complete this course in 15 days and so is the name of this training course.
I guarantee you, at the time of completion of this course you will be learned PHP enough to make your own small PHP application.
Good News is,You can contact me and ask me about any related questions/ confusionsof topics covered in this course and this offer is for life time.
Follow me at:https://www.facebook.com/ProgrammersCreateLife/
This course is especially designed for, IT students, beginners, web-designers, internees of web-design and development and also for general public who are interested in learning back end coding.
So, what you should already know to join this course!
HTML and CSS are the main things you must be aware of and have some practical experience of these. If not, please learn these first. Only after learning these you might be in the position to understand PHP and implement it.
JavaScript is also an important and frequently used script. If you know about this, that’s really great, if not, don’t worry. That’s not so important to learn and implement PHP. When I first learned PHP, I was unaware of JavaScript. So, it’s not an issue.
Also, if you know any programming language, like C, C#, or any other, that would be a great plus and will help you a lot during this course. Still if you are just a beginner and only know HTML and CSS, that’s absolutely fine to start and learn PHP. I have made this course for the people who are absolutely raw handed in this field.
Course Outline
Here is the course outline. This is what we will cover in the next 15 days. Don’t be afraid at all by such strange words. We will go through all of these step by step and you will definitely enjoy studying while understanding themside by side. Our pace of teaching will remain within your capacity of learning.
So, on day one, we will discuss
- Day 1: Environment Installation, PHP/Text Editor, PHP Syntax, Hello World Echo/Print, Variables
- Day 2: Data Types, Constants, Operators
- Day 3: If, Else If, Else, Switch
- Day 4: For Loop, While Loop, Do-while Loop
- Day 5: Arrays, Sorting Arrays, Foreach Loop
- Day 6: Super Global, Cookies & Sessions , Functions, Built In Functions
- Day 7: Form Submission, Getting & Sanitizing Form Data, Display Required Field Errors And Handling Form Data
- Day 8: Preg Match, Include, Require, Require_once, Date Handling
- Day 9: File Uploading, Introduction To Database (MySQL)
- Day 10: Database Creation, Table Creation, Making Table Relation With Other Tables, Making Connection to MySQL through PHP, DB Selection
- Day 11: What Is Query, Insert Query, Insert Query For Multiple Data, Insert Data through PHP, Insert Form Data To DB
- Day 12: Selecting Data, Selecting Selective Data, Selecting Data Through PHP And Display Selected Data
- Day 13: Delete Data, Update Data, Delete And Update data Through PHP And User Form
- Day 14: Creating Admin Panel With Login System And CRUD System (Part 1/2)
- Day 15: Creating Admin Panel With Login System And CRUD System (Part 2/2)
- Extras: Last Words/Advice
This is all for the introduction segment. I’ll see you on day 1. Take care!