I'm sure you've seen notifications on your PC suggesting
that you install Windows security updates to keep your PC up to date. I'm here
to tell you why it is important to install them. First, what are Windows
security updates? Security updates are meant to keep our computers safe from
any security threats. Since no software is perfect, it sometimes has issues
that bad guys look for an attack with malicious software called malware or
viruses. These could make your compute stop working, make it send spam or
worse, let people steal personal information such as your passport or credit
card numbers. Windows security updates address these vulnerabilities to help
prevent attacks. To keep you and your PC safe, your computer needs these
updates. Fortunately, Microsoft automatically delivers and install security
updates to your PC every second Tuesday of the month, and it is called
"Patch Tuesday".
You don't have to do anything, but make sure the setting for
Windows Update is turned on. To confirm, on your computer, go to Settings,
click on Update & Security, then Windows Update, Advanced options and
select the right options field. Another big question people have is, do I
always have to install Windows security updates? The answer is, yes. Install
the updates to protect your computer from attacks and viruses. Unfortunately,
the innovation speed of malware and virus is extremely fast. So, new attacks
and vulnerabilities keep coming up. But we keep creating fixes to safeguard
your PCs every month. So, to make use of the latest security fixes, you have to
install new updates every month. The good news is, that once you have the
option set to download these updates, you don't have to do anything manually.
Next question you might have is, do I have to install updates even if I'm
already using antivirus software? It's a good question.
But yes. Install the updates, because they protect your PC
from different types of attacks. Antivirus doesn't protect against software vulnerabilities,
Windows security updates do. Also, antivirus is most effective if all the
vulnerabilities are fixed. You might say, "I haven't installed updates
before, but my computer has never been attacked. Should I install the monthly
Windows security updates?" The answer is yes. Again, you need to install
the updates because you might have a vulnerability that you did not notice.
Sometimes, attackers use peoples' computers to secretly send spam or attack
messages. It is best to keep the bad guys out. Computers running Windows
operating systems, come with Windows update turned on by default.
But if you want to be sure, go to Settings and
open Updates & Security option. While you're there, you can choose to set
your PC to install updates at a certain time of day, so updates don't interrupt
your work. Hope this video helps to answer security update questions you might
have. The current version of Windows 10 provides the most up to date security
technology. To keep your computer as secure as possible, always install the
windows security updates. Thank you for